3 steps ladder to become an IAS Officer in India


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3 steps ladder to become an IAS Officer in India

One of the well-known reasons why many individuals choose civil services is to help the citizens of the country by solving the problems that exist in the country. If you want to become an IAS officer, there are many civils coaching centers in Hyderabad which can help you by providing the right training. When asked, every top UPSC civil services academy in the nation say the same thing: an aspirant should not sit for the IAS exam with the thought of ‘how will it help me?’ Becoming a civil officer is unlike having a cushy private job. The perceptions the life of IAS demands from a person are:

  • Societal reformation.
  • What can the aspirant delivers to the nation and its people?

The work of an IAS officer is widely divergent from corporates. The boundaries are not restricted to the scope of a company. Civil service is all about working in the direction of making a positive change in the society as a whole and subsequently the whole nation. For that to happen, you must join one of the top civil services coaching centers in Hyderabad which is Ignite IAS.

The 3-step ladder to success

Step 1: Prelims

The 1st stage to become a civil servant is cracking the prelims exam. This test checks 2 aspects of a candidate:

  • Basic knowledge
  • General Aptitude

This confirms that the right IAS candidate will be the one who works on personality and the brain right from the start. And it is the point in time where most aspirants make a lethal error. They consider that learning everything under the sky adds to their skill, but one thing then usually ignore is the basics.

To crack this step of the ladder, the best civils coaching centers in Hyderabad like Ignite IAS advice:

  • Going through the NCERT books thoroughly.
  • Solving problems that were asked in preceding years.
  • Reading newspapers everyday to have the issues of the world on your fingertips.

Step 2: Mains

To clear this step this is what you should do:

  • Don’t mug up current affairs. Have discussions to make sure they retain in your mind.
  • Be careful while choosing the optional paper. It must be of your personal interest or a subject of your previous education.
  • Practice mock tests and previous years questions papers. Answer each question with a timer set.
  • Don’t overlook the essay writing.

Step 3: Interview

This is the final step. The panel of judges have proficient knowledge on the subject and hold a specialized degree in it. People who will be in the panel are:

  • Former IAS officers
  • Retired judges
  • Known lawyers

To crack the interview, you must generally show:

  • Precise skill of decision-making.
  • Meticulous judgement powers.
  • Tell how you can face the toughest situation by contemplating the outcomes and circumstances.


To crack the 3 steps easily, you must join one among the best civils coaching centres in Hyderabad. So, join Ignite IAS as we are one of the top civils coaching centres in Hyderabad as of now. We can help you crack IAS in the very first attempt. You can contact us right away on +91 799 799 2479/80/81.

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